
Vacation Simulator Release Date Finally Announced (For PC)

Summer starts a little early this year. So do winter and spring, for that matter. The Vacation Simulator release date has just been revealed and you won’t have to wait long to play it.

Owlchemy Labs’ follow-up to Job Simulator hits PC VR on April 9th. It was originally scheduled to come out late last year but suffered a last-minute delay. The previously-confirmed PSVR version will follow later on in the summer. It’s set to cost $29.99 at launch. Check out the game’s various locations in the trailer below.

Set in the year 2060, Vacation Simulator sees robots attempt to replicate the ancient art of the human vacation. As with Job Simulator, though, don’t expect everything about the world to be entirely accurate. These games are about experimenting with virtual worlds and pushing the limits of interactivity. Job Simulator’s lovable brainless bots are also back, and this time more interactive. You can simply wave to them to start connecting with them.

“You don’t need a button, you immediately go to wave and it just feels natural,” said Andrew Eiche, Chief Technology Owl and Cable Slinger at Owlchemy Labs in a prepared statement. “It’s a simple, powerful interaction that allows players to interact with characters and connect with the VR world in a very personal way.”

As the trailer reveals, Vacation Simulator is comprised of four destinations. The previously-seen Beach area lets you build sandcastles and head underwater, whereas a new Forest locale allows for bird-watching and fishing. There’s also a new Winter world where you can throw snowballs and chill in a hot tub. Finally, there’s a resort hub world. As previously revealed, you can explore these locations as your own personalized avatar, too.

In a prepared statement, Owlchemy Labs CEO Devin Reimer called the game “bigger than anything we’ve ever done”.

Vacation Simulator is Owlchemy’s first major release since it was acquired by Google in May 2017.

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Source: Vacation Simulator Release Date Finally Announced (For PC)


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