
VRLO Returns To London This Month With Microsoft, BBC, Epic And More

VRLO Returns To London This Month With Microsoft, BBC, Epic And More

GDC is nearing its event but the VR events won’t be stopping there. VRLA might be the expo to head to if you’re on the west coast of the USA right now, but those living in the UK have plenty of options too. VRLO is returning this month, for example, and it’s bringing some big names with it.

VRLO 7 will take place on Monday March 20th at the new location in the Picturehouse Central, not far off from Piccadilly Circus. From 5:30pm – 9pm you’ll be able to check out some new VR demos, meet others in the industry, and listen to talks from industry leaders. Tickets just went live over on the event’s meetup page.

Speakers at this month’s event include representatives from Rowland Manthorpe, Start Editor at Wired UK, Tom Burton, Interactive & Technology Lead at BBC Studios, Leila Martine, Director of Product Marketing at Microsoft and Daryl Atkins, Creative Director/Visual Artist at REWIND, the VR production studio that hosts the show. HTC and AMD will also be giving talks on the night.

There are also demos in the form of Robo Recall [Review: 7.5/10], the just-released Oculus Rift shooter from Epic Games, BBC’s Home – A VR Spacewalk and ROM: Extraction being exhibited by AMD, and a new VR glove from Noitom.

Tickets to the event are absolutely free, which means they’ll no doubt be gone very soon. Picturehouse is a tiny bit smaller than the previous venue near Marble Arch, too, so make sure not to miss out.

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Source: VRLO Returns To London This Month With Microsoft, BBC, Epic And More


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