
Watch David Hasselhoff Drive KITT From Knight Rider In New 360-Video

Watch David Hasselhoff Drive KITT From Knight Rider In New 360-Video

The Gumball 3000 is a 3,000-mile car rally that happens every year from London to Tokyo featuring a wide multitude of celebrities driving across the world and making pit stops. From the likes of Usher and David Hasselhoff to Ken Griffey Jr. and more, it’s a star-studded event.

This year Finger Food Studios teamed up with LNG Studios to create an episodic series of 360-degree videos chronicling the rally dubbed “A Gumballer’s Journey.” The videos take viewers on a ride both along the street at pit stops and inside the vehicle with featured celebrity guests.

You can watch the first two entries in the series right now on the Gumball 3000 Facebook page here (Episode 1, featuring Gumball 3000 founder, Maximillion Cooper) and here (Episode 2, featuring David Hasselhoff, wife Hayley Roberts, and KITT from Knight Rider.) Both videos are available in 4k at those links and can also be viewed in VR via Rift, Vive, Gear VR, PSVR, or Go. Both episodes can also be found over on LNG’s YouTube, so pretty much anything that can access YouTube in VR is good to go.

In the second video Hasselhoff reminisces about KITT and how even though it isn’t the actual original car from Knight Rider, it feels extremely accurate even while adorned with logos and sponsorships.

We’ve got it embedded right here for you to see as well:

You’d be hard-pressed to put a 360-degree video in front of me in 2018 and elicit any sort of reaction other than “meh” but getting to sit inside the cockpit of KITT alongside David Hasselhoff is certainly  a step in the right direction. These sorts of videos are at their best when they show viewers things that they’d otherwise never get to see from a new perspective and this one definitely qualifies.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

Update: Fixed two typos and added more context on how to watch the videos.

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Source: Watch David Hasselhoff Drive KITT From Knight Rider In New 360-Video


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