
Watch us play Oculus Touch games like VR Sports Challenge and I Expect You to Die

VR Sports Challenge is one of the best Oculus Touch games.

I’m still digging the Oculus Touch controllers that Facebook’s VR subsidiary launched earlier this month, and that’s not only because they make me feel like a football player.

I broadcasted some Oculus Touch gameplay recently, and I want to share it with you. In the video below, you can see me checking out VR Sports Challenge, The Unspoken, and I Expect You to Die. VR Sports Challenge is like if Wii Sports was taking human growth hormone. The Unspoken is a spell-casting fighter. And I Expect You to Die is an environmental puzzle game where you play a spy who must figure out how to survive a number of strange espionage missions.

Here’s the full hour of gameplay:

Source: Watch us play Oculus Touch games like VR Sports Challenge and I Expect You to Die


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