
Wevr Transport launches premium subscription for virtual reality apps

Wevr Transport app: Finding Your True Self

Wevr is launching a premium subscription for virtual reality apps on its Transport platform.

The subscription tier is timed to the release of Finding Your True Self from self-help guru Deepak Chopra, as well as Old Friend, a VR music video by Tyler Hurd. The latter premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival earlier this year and has won numerous best-of awards.

Transport’s premium tier will cost $20 annually and initially include those two titles as well as theBlu: Season 1 (Whale Encounter, Reef Migration, Luminous Abyss) and Waves (premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2016).

Transport's premium VR apps.

Above: Transport’s premium VR apps.

Image Credit: Wevr

With the new premium tier, Wevr said it is embracing the VR creative community and helping establish a sustainable business model for that community to continue to evolve and flourish for years to come.

“With Transport, we created a platform agnostic service that streamlines the distribution process for VR creatives, who aren’t necessarily making games, to help them reach an audience that’s hungry for their works,” said Anthony Batt, cofounder at Wevr, in a statement. “And since the initial launch earlier this year, we’ve released a suite of experiences that run the gamut from the powerful and realistic with Hard World For Small Things to the more nightmarish and bizarre with Tippett Studio’s Mad God VR. Now, with Transport’s premium tier, we’re embracing the storytellers who adopted VR as their medium of choice and providing them a revenue model that will help them continue to create and innovate in this nascent medium.”

Transport launched earlier this year on HTC Vive, and it has since expanded to Samsung Gear VR. Experiences available on Transport include Wevr’s multi award-winning title, theBlu: Whale Encounter; the recently released Mad God VR from visionary animator Phil Tippett; Hard World For Small Things from independent film director Janicza Bravo; and many more.

Finding Your True Self, a Deepak Chopra VR app on Transport.

Above: Finding Your True Self, a Deepak Chopra VR app on Transport.

Image Credit: Wevr

As noted, with the new premium tier, Wevr is trying to establish a sustainable business model for the VR creative community.

For $20 a year, users have access to room-scale and mobile experiences, and for $8 a year users have access to mobile experiences. This is all in addition to the free content available on Transport.

Source: Wevr Transport launches premium subscription for virtual reality apps


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