The portability and affordability of mobile VR is inspiring developers from all walks to create games, educational apps, or even productivity software for the platform. Though dependent on the types of phones users have, there’s an incredibly large install base already in place so it’s just a matter of capturing their interest and keeping it. 360-degree photos and videos are growing in their popularity and some devs are creating social apps centered on that type of media, but companies are using it for presentations as well. LiveSYNC is a tool for use reminiscent of the latter, allowing presenters to sync up video to any number of devices.
Finwe Ltd is a Finnish company that was founded in 2006 by a group of research scientists and the company’s focus is on high-quality mobile software. “Finwe has been developing high-end 360 video presentation solutions for global customer base over 4 years,” says CEO of Finwe Juha Kela in the press release for the announcement. “We showcased our first 360 video player in MWC 2013 and added VR mode a few months later.”
They’ve come a long way since then and LiveSYNC looks to be a culmination of their advancements, bringing their best technologies involving 360-degree video all into one program. Imagine conference rooms around the world all holding an event at the same time, all filled with people wearing mobile VR headsets, and you’re picturing the type of setting LiveSYNC wants to thrive in. For all of those attendees, the program allows one presenter to observe and control the video playback on the devices simultaneously with an iPad. Not only will they be able to stop and start, they’ll be able to switch the video to another clip and even add messages into the 360-degree space their viewers are immersed in at that time. You can also share any player’s view to a television screen with HDMI or wirelessly with AppleTV.
LiveSYNC can currently be requested as a combination of controller app and players for iOS, Android, GearVR, and Daydream platforms, which can be soon downloaded from the app stores and you can contact the team at [email protected].
Tagged with: 360 degree, 360 video, gear vr, LiveSYNC, samsung
Source: With LiveSYNC You Control 360-Video Playback of Multiple Devices