Danny Stefanic – CEO and Founder LearnBrite - World's first VR for HR Platform Discover how to setup a virtual event with only 5 clicks. I'd like to share some of the best practices for engaging audiences and creating user-centered experiences. I've been running virtual reality businesses for decades from virtual worlds to enterprise learning and training. Managing a virtual event can be easy with the tools and tips you'll discover in this session.
Video category: XR COLLABORATION
#XRCOL2020 : Augmented Reality to overcome post-covid reality?
Jean Paul Forget - CxO @ Chiefs on Demand - Expert SSVAR #Abstract Corona-crisis broke down many industrial processes and business services. Any process requiring 4 eyes control or on site physical expertise were impeached by confinement. In this session, we will share experience on projects and business cases where Augmented Reality could ensure business continuity and boost performances, remotely.
#XRCOL2020 : How innovations in Immersive (360) Spatial Audio have helped in working remotely?
Scott Marshall - Producer Film & XR | Immersive Audio Director | Spatial Sound Artist | Supervising Sound Editor | Re-Recording Mixer | Founder @EARTH-XR #Abstract During his Keynote, Scott Marshall will discuss his company’s innovative and immersive VR projects and how they used the latest in spatial 3D sound technology enabling them to adapt and deliver their projects.
SSVAR #XRCOL2020: Examples of remote collaboration – Industry 4.0
#XRCOL2020 Online conference : XR(eXtended Reality) for collaboration, online learning, conferences & remote working Presentation given during the #XRCOL2020 Online conference organised by SSVAR (https://ssvar.ch) #Speaker Lionel Crassier - Co-founder & CEO TotalYmage 360° remote training and collaboration Lionel will present remote forms of operational collaboration in different industries, using real images immersion, real time interaction and teleportation tools. He will also present TotalYmage which is a software suite based on its patented technology of 3D edition and interactive navigation in 360° video images. It’s a unique tool to work and collaborate remotely in the images of distant, difficult to access and complex facilities. Users create by themselves their augmented workspaces, where training, maintenance, supervision, project management are performed in a more efficient, secure and sustainable way, in all connectivity to the physical facilities - sensor data and analysis, live webcam feed, workflow applications, shared documents.
#XRCOL2020 : Virtual Reality & Soft Skills Learning in the Post-COVID World
Christophe Mallet - BODYSWAPS: (https://bodyswaps.co/) Presentation during the #XRCOL2020 Online conference organised by SSVAR (https://ssvar.ch) #Title : Is VR the Holy Grail for delivering cost-efficient impactful learning experiences or a cumbersome gimmick? #Abstract: Based on several interviews conducted in the past few weeks with thought leaders of the learnign world, Christophe's talk looks at the strategic opportunities & realistic challenges for leveraging VR as learning medium in the results-driven costs-obsessed post-COVID landscape. He will then quickly introduce the Bodyswaps platform and discussed the lessons learned so far deploying VR for soft skills training.
How to by WiD: Mozilla Hubs
Die Party zum 20-jährigen Bestehen von Wissenschaft im Dialog konnte durch die COVID-19-Pandemie nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Wie organisiert man ein lockeres Beisammensein mit Ausstellungsmöglichkeiten und interaktiven Elementen im digitalen Raum? Wir haben dafür das Tool Mozilla Hubs ausprobiert. In diesem Video teilen wir unsere Eindrücke und Erfahrungen. Wir freuen uns über Fragen oder Anregungen an [email protected].
#XRCOL2020 : Immersive Learning During Forth Technology Revolution
Konstantin Startchev -VP SSVAR PhD in Physical ChemistryResearcher and Developer in the field of Computer Vision, Augmented and Virtual Reality. More then 25 years of software development experience (C++, Java). Experience in building laboratory apparatus; robotics; command and control, 3D reconstruction, Computer Vision, Unity, OpenCV. https://ssvar.ch/ Abstract: We are leaving in an amazing time of transformation from digital driven economy, also known as 3th industrial revolution to a society of digital based economy. In this new form of society the production will be not only accelerated via digital devices, but completely based on digital private properties, digital currencies and collaboration between human and artificial intelligent digital machines. Accordingly our methods of education will deeply change from classroom cognitive content to Immersive Learning (IL) which places individuals in an interactive learning environment, either physically or virtually, to replicate possible scenarios or to teach particular skills or techniques. Benefits from IL includes: learn by doing approach, fun by use gamification scenarios, safe environment, high knowledge retention, creation of intense memories and quantified feedback. Indeed IL correspond perfectly to the need of rapid and efficient conversion of massive human resources to new professional background. We are sharing in this talk, in a critical way, our experience of applying the IL technology in several user cases.
Asynchronous and Synchronous Examples of Mozilla Hubs
This video shows clips of asynchronous and synchronous usage of Mozilla Hubs. The rooms in the video were produced by students and faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts. Visit the rooms for yourself: https://arts.unl.edu/carson-center/spring-2020-open-studio
Mozilla Spoke Hubs scene editor.
Short unedited intro to how to use Mozilla Spoke editor.
Mozilla Hubs Tutorial: Classroom Setup
feel free to email me if you have any questions about this tutorial or classroom setup. My email is: [email protected]