Shanghai International AR Conference & Expo 2017 | Shanghai, China | Sept 25 – 27, 2017

The Shanghai International AR Conference & Expo is a three-day conference and exhibition promoting technology applications and industrial development of VR/AR, as well as market and ecosystem development of vertical domains such as VR, AR, wearables and AI. Activities including technological seminars, summits, dialogues and design games will be held concurrently with the exhibition. Meanwhile, united with authoritative organizations, industrial associations and science and research institutions, the industrial standard will be regulated together to provide technological cooperation and a communication platform for insiders to drive the rapid development of VR/AR and the digital senses industry.


Click here to register to attend the exhibition.


Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center
1099 Guozhan Rd, Pudong Xinqu,
Shanghai Shi, China

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Source: Shanghai International AR Conference & Expo 2017 | Shanghai, China | Sept 25 – 27, 2017


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