
Magic Leap demo in China shows augmented reality shopping


The incredibly secretive augmented reality startup Magic Leap showed off another demonstration of its technology this week, this time using Chinese apps. 

During a discussion with Alibaba CMO Chris Tung in China, Magic Leap’s chief marketing officer Brian Wallace gave audience members a look at how the technology works. The early look for Alibaba makes sense given the Chinese company’s role as a major investor in Magic Leap. 

The entire video, surfaced by Road to VR,  is in Chinese, so it’s not clear exactly what the presenter is explaining. But based on the visuals, the demonstration appears to give us a peek at how Magic Leap’s system — which is rumored to include some sort of eyewear component — works for ecommerce.  Read more…

More about Alibaba, China, Magic Leap, Augmented Reality, and Tech

Source: Magic Leap demo in China shows augmented reality shopping


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