
HoloLens may be the future but Microsoft's demo gave us bad '80s nostalgia



Microsoft’s HoloLens demo just transported us back to the ’80s. Microsoft showed off its HoloLens to developers at its Build 2016 conference. But unlike previous HoloLens demos, which were impressive, today’s demo was less awe-inspiring and more like a slice of bad ’80s special effects. Though holographic teachers are the future, this demo certainly wasn’t. Miraculously, the message still got through: HoloLens could eventually work well as a tool for remote teaching

More details on this disappointing presentation: http://on.mash.to/1Tjb08t Read more…

More about Microsoft, Augmented Reality, Tech, Apps Software, and Gadgets

Source: HoloLens may be the future but Microsoft's demo gave us bad '80s nostalgia


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