
We May Finally Know How Many HoloLens Devices Microsoft Sold, and It’s a Revealing Peek at the Future of AR

Last week, we told you about Microsoft’s Alex Kipman and his nomination for the annual European Inventor Award, presented by the European Patent Office (EPO). And while that’s big news in and of itself, it turns out we overlooked a very important detail buried in the EPO’s video presentation. What was it? Only one of the most sought after data points related to the HoloLens since its launch: how many have been sold.

That’s the question many have been asking in the face of numerous product demos, in-store displays, and slick commercials that all tout the powers of the HoloLens and its ability… more

Source: We May Finally Know How Many HoloLens Devices Microsoft Sold, and It’s a Revealing Peek at the Future of AR


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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