
Hands-On: Magic Leap’s Screens App Is the Closest Thing to a Killer App for the Magic Leap One, For Now

By now, you already know that the Magic Leap One ships with an array of apps to immediately get you accustomed to operating in your new spatial computing reality. The first one we’re going to focus on is Screens, an app we told you about previously, but only now have managed to try for ourselves.

The Screens app is just one of six apps listed in the initial app carousel when you first launch the Magic Leap One (seven if you count the unreleased Dr. Grordbort’s Invaders). Currently, there’s not much content in Screens, but that will likely change in the near future. At present, you have a… more

Source: Hands-On: Magic Leap’s Screens App Is the Closest Thing to a Killer App for the Magic Leap One, For Now


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