
Apple and Accenture Join to Target Enterprise Segment

Apple and Accenture have joined forces to help businesses build better applications for iOS, the operating system that powers Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, according to an article on

Apple is pushing hard towards making its software even better for the enterprise sector, and already has an ongoing partnership with IBM. Now, Apple is teaming up with Accenture to bring a new service offering for the business segment.

The plan is to launch a new platform for businesses and to help enterprises unlock new revenue streams, improve customer service and increase overall productivity, all at a reasonable cost. The duo’s plan is to increase the number of tools and services that will help businesses operate more efficiently with iPhones and iPads.

These include IoT-specific tools, templates and pre-designed code that will allow companies to create custom software for their specific needs. There will also be a migration service which will speed up the process of transferring apps and data to iOS, and will help quickly integrate iOS into back-end systems.

The engineering team will largely focus on frontline apps – the apps that will run on iOS, especially in the retail and banking sectors.

It will also focus on augmented reality through its ARKit that was earlier unveiled at their developers conference.


The post Apple and Accenture Join to Target Enterprise Segment appeared first on The AREA.

Source: Apple and Accenture Join to Target Enterprise Segment


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