
Apple AR: Wipe Your Room Clean & Fill It with New Furniture in Pottery Barn’s New AR App

With the advent of ARKit, apps that can place virtual furniture in a real room have become nearly a universal practice for furniture retailers, with Pottery Barn being the latest to join the fray.

While it might seem as though Pottery Barn is playing catch-up with the likes of IKEA, Amazon, and Houzz, but Pottery Barn’s 3D Room Design is a port of their Android app released in March for Google Tango devices. Sadly, that version of the app garnered less than 50 downloads, hopefully, the ARKit version will do a little better. In releasing the app for iOS, Pottery Barn can bring over one key… more

Source: Apple AR: Wipe Your Room Clean & Fill It with New Furniture in Pottery Barn’s New AR App


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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