
Apple AR: With New NBA App, H-O-R-S-E Becomes A-R-K-I-T

Just in time for a new season of professional basketball, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has released a new app for iPhones and iPads built on ARKit that turns your driveway into a basketball court.

The setup is simple. Select your favorite team and then scan the ground to set up a half-court and basketball goal. The app recommends selecting an outdoor space with ample room, as the court and goal appear relatively close to scale. To shoot, tap the screen to bring up a ball, and then flick the device at the goal to shoot. The choice of game mechanics is interesting. One might expect… more

Source: Apple AR: With New NBA App, H-O-R-S-E Becomes A-R-K-I-T


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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