Apple Granted Patent to Make Augmented Reality Maps—Hinting at a Cool, Futuristic Version of Our Well-Worn Maps App

Apple recently scored a patent (number 9,488,488) to create augmented reality maps, hinting at possible AR integration into the iOS Maps application for iPhone. Does this mean we’ll be seeing super visionary projections of places in the app in the near future? Maybe.

Apple files and receives patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office all the time.

For instance, Apple was granted a patent to create a vaporizer in January. The application described it as a “chamber body” that takes in an unidentified substance to be “vaporized or sublimated into a vapor.” Have we seen this new Apple… more

Source: Apple Granted Patent to Make Augmented Reality Maps—Hinting at a Cool, Futuristic Version of Our Well-Worn Maps App


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