
Augmented Reality ‘Experimental’ in the Enterprise

An article appeared on TechTarget addressing the ‘experimental’ nature of Augmented Reality in the Enterprise. The article’s line of thought follows the extent to which Augmented Reality is being adopted in the enterprise, as businesses must work out its best uses, cost versus ROI and user acceptance.

Both Christine Perey, AREA Board member and former Executive Director, and The AREA’s current Executive Director Mark Sage, are quoted in this article.

Issues mentioned in the article include confusion around the difference between AR & VR, which is addressed and the fact that mobile apps are only 1 way to deliver Augmented Reality (others being wearables, smartglasses, head mounted displays and other hands free devices).

The state of the AR Market is touched upon including the industry early adopters. Popular uses are summarised, such as inspections, design reviews and in highly complex environments. The article offers a high level overview for industry decision makers looking for a greater understanding of how Augmented Reality can help in their enterprise.

The AREA also offers a huge range of resources for enterprise users and membership. Do take a look around our website for more information or get in touch!

The post Augmented Reality ‘Experimental’ in the Enterprise appeared first on The AREA.

Source: Augmented Reality ‘Experimental’ in the Enterprise


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