
Challenge Serena Williams in Augmented Reality Tennis via Snapchat’s Interactive 3D Bitmoji

With the opening round of Wimbledon, one of professional tennis’s four major tournaments, beginning on Monday, Snapchat is serving up an augmented reality tennis mini-game.

The game challenges worldwide users and their 3D Bitmoji avatars to take on the digital doppelganger of superstar Serena Williams, who forms Snapchat’s first celebrity partnership for an interactive 3D Bitmoji Lens.

Snapchat’s interactive 3D Bitmoji gives new meaning to the term “table tennis”.

My avatar celebrates pretty hard for just a three-star score..

“Starting today, everyone can play tennis against Serena… more

Source: Challenge Serena Williams in Augmented Reality Tennis via Snapchat’s Interactive 3D Bitmoji


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