Ex-Magic Leapers Confirm the Demo Video We All Thought Was Faked… Was Faked

When the “Just another day in the office at Magic Leap” video was released last year, it was called a mind-blowing, stunning, and breathtaking take on mixed reality gaming. It was a great presentation of what the technology could be, but not for a second did I think it was anything other than a concept video, and I’m not the only one who thought that. This was a goal to reach for mixed reality, not the reality.
Video: .
The video that excited us all..
But a recent post by Reed Albergotti from The Information (warning: paywall), who talked with former Magic Leap employees, has instigated a lot… more

Source: Ex-Magic Leapers Confirm the Demo Video We All Thought Was Faked… Was Faked


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