
Hands-on: Lenovo & ‘Star Wars: Jedi Challenges’ Deliver First Truly Mainstream AR Headset

After spending a good portion of 2017 teasing us with images and bits of news, Lenovo, in a partnership with Disney and Lucasfilm, has finally released its Mirage AR headset along with the Star Wars: Jedi Challenge game collection.

Let me preface this hands-on experience by laying out my bias. I’m a Star Wars fan, but not a fanatic. Aside from seeing the movies, I have played most of the video games that exist and read a few of the better books in the extended universe, but that’s about it.

There are people on this planet who can tell you who the second director of photography from The… more

Source: Hands-on: Lenovo & ‘Star Wars: Jedi Challenges’ Deliver First Truly Mainstream AR Headset


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