
Maroon 5 Dives into Augmented Reality with Music Video Created Entirely in Snapchat

Move over, Hype Williams, it looks like Snapchat is about to take some of your music video-making business, and pop rock group Maroon 5 is the proof.

On Wednesday, the group released a music video for its latest single, “Wait,” and it’s shot entirely in Snapchat. (Travis Schneider is credited as the video’s director and producer, so those roles aren’t entirely obsolete just yet.)

The group’s lead singer, Adam Levine, runs through almost the entire gamut of Snapchat effects. Interestingly, no Bitmoji-based Lenses were used. Additionally, the entire video is framed using a vertical orientation… more

Source: Maroon 5 Dives into Augmented Reality with Music Video Created Entirely in Snapchat


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