
Microsoft to Debut HoloLens 2 Livestream Video Series with Demos, Updates, & Developer Info

To build hype for the HoloLens 2 among developers, Microsoft is borrowing a page out of Magic Leap’s playbook.

Starting on March 12, Microsoft will livestream a six-part series of talk shows, dubbed The Realities Show, that will examine various aspects of the next-generation HoloLens. Similarly, Magic Leap launched a monthly series on Twitch previewing Magic Leap One in 2018.

Microsoft will stream the episodes from its San Francisco Reactor facility, which also houses one its Mixed Reality Capture Studios. The first episode will serve as a recap of Mobile World Congress, which hosted… more

Source: Microsoft to Debut HoloLens 2 Livestream Video Series with Demos, Updates, & Developer Info


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