
Snapchat’s New Augmented Reality Trick Is Literally for the Dogs, Lets You Turn Your Pet into a Nerd or Reindeer

First, there was SnapCat. Now, we have DogChat! Or SnapBark?

In October, Snapchat took social media by storm with its Lenses for cats. But the latest addition to the camera app has given dog lovers an augmented reality Christmas gift they won’t want to return.

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Snapchat let users open this AR Lens present early on Christmas Eve. Similar to the Lenses for people and cats, the Lens for dogs recognizes when dogs appear in the camera view and affixes AR effects to their heads, tracking the dogs… more

Source: Snapchat’s New Augmented Reality Trick Is Literally for the Dogs, Lets You Turn Your Pet into a Nerd or Reindeer


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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