
Star Wars Unleashes Adorable AR Porgs via Snapchat

To promote Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Disney and Lucasfilm released virtual porgs into the wilds of Snapchat via a Sponsored Lens on Sunday.

The Lens placed a porg in your personal space via the rear-facing camera. Using the front-facing camera, the Lens also equipped users with lightsabers, but let’s face it, the porg is the real treat here.

In this experience, the portly penguin-like creature with the eyes of a pug flaps its wings and belches its siren-like cry. Are porgs as cute as Ewoks, or are will they approach Jar-Jar Binks levels of annoying? Perhaps these gifs will persuade you… more

Source: Star Wars Unleashes Adorable AR Porgs via Snapchat


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