
The Ultimate Magic Leap One Unboxing, Every Part, Every Logo, & One Very Special Surprise Treat

We’ve seen all the Magic Leap One glamour shots, and we’ve even shown you a bit of what it looks like to view augmented reality on the device. But there’s something else us super geeks appreciate more than anyone else: the grand unboxing!

I met Magic Leap’s Enjoy representative in Manhattan, where he mostly just helped me set up the sizing parameters using the Magic Leap app and then walked me through a few areas that some who are new to the device might not be aware of (simple stuff that will mostly be familiar to VR veterans).

Don’t Miss: Through the Magic Leap Looking Glass, First Look at… more

Source: The Ultimate Magic Leap One Unboxing, Every Part, Every Logo, & One Very Special Surprise Treat


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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