Video: PokéLens—A HoloLens Concept Game with Project Downloads

Ready to finally play some Pokémon on your HoloLens? Here is your chance!

KennyWdev has released a video showing off his newest build of PokéLens, a Pokémon clone for the HoloLens similar to Pokémon GO. In the video, you get to see two Pokémon battle it out on what appears to be an office floor. Apparently, Pikachu is “super effective.” This coincidentally appeared online the same day that another developer, Sky Zhou, showed off his Smash Brothers-style Pokémon game.
Video: .
It appears that only Pidgey and Pikachu are available to battle right now, but in other videos KennyWdev’s YouTube… more

Source: Video: PokéLens—A HoloLens Concept Game with Project Downloads


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