Video: Two Women Wearing HoloLenses Duke It Out Anime-Style in the Middle of a Restaurant

Joyce Kuo of Nijie Technology released a video showing a group fighting it out Dragon Ball Z-style in a restaurant, but instead of Goku, Piccolo or Vegeta, we have two horse-headed young ladies shooting fire and other elements at each other.

From what I can make out, they’re using HoloLens headsets (obviously) with a Vuforia-style AR image recognition and overlay system, holographic sharing, and a heavy use of particle systems.
Video: .
Okay, so the video is a bit of an indiscernible mess. The HoloLens is fighting to keep its frame rates up and failing. The image recognition/overlay system… more

Source: Video: Two Women Wearing HoloLenses Duke It Out Anime-Style in the Middle of a Restaurant


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