
World of Warcraft Lens on Snapchat Lets You Transform into Orc or Elf & Do Battle in Augmented Reality

To promote Battle of Azeroth, the latest expansion for the World of Warcraft franchise, Blizzard Entertainment has conjured a Shoppable AR Lens that is now available in Snapchat’s app carousel.

The experience, initially launched via Snapcode on Aug. 8, begins in the front-facing camera, where users can morph their appearance into an orc of Horde faction or void elf for the Alliance.

The fantasy continues on the rear-facing camera, where users can fight sworn enemies of the faction they pick on the front-facing experience by placing them in their physical environment and tapping the screen to… more

Source: World of Warcraft Lens on Snapchat Lets You Transform into Orc or Elf & Do Battle in Augmented Reality


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